Council Committees provide valuable feedback, advice and guidance to Town Council on a number of important issues. Terms of reference, agendas, minutes and other details from each group are available on the relevant websites for your reference.
If you’d like to watch or listen to a virtual meeting, please send an email at least 24 hours before the meeting for the Zoom participation details. You will have an opportunity to ask questions related to the agenda at the end of the meeting.
Have Questions?
Contact us by phone (250.485.6200) or via email.
Join a Council Committee or Working Group
The Town of Oliver is currently accepting applications for the following Committees:
- Town of Oliver Sister City Advisory Committee
Details for how to apply are listed below. Please submit your completed application via email.
Make a positive impact on your community by joining one of Oliver’s committees or boards.
If you’re interested in serving as a volunteer, download the Council Committee Application Form or pick up a printed copy at Town Hall reception, 6150 Main Street.
Council may establish and appoint advisory committees to consider or inquire into any matter and to report its findings and opinion to Council. Council Committees do not have the authority to take action or incur expenses without Council’s approval. Council provides approval by way of a resolution passed at a meeting of Council.
Find out more by reviewing our frequently asked questions below.
Committee proceedings are outlined in Council Procedure Bylaw 1364. Committee members shall appoint a Chair at the first meeting. All committees are open to the public to attend.
Current Committees
Thank you to everyone who has helped contribute to shaping our town!
The Oliver Accessibility and Age Friendly Committee will support the Town's efforts to implement municipal recommendations in the Oliver Age Friendly Action Plan and will support the Town with developing a Town of Oliver Accessibility Plan in alignment with the Accessibility British Columbia Act. The Committee will support the municipality with developing a Town of Oliver Accessibility Plan and developing a feedback mechanism around areas such as access to Town services, Town communications, and Town infrastructure (e.g., sidewalks). The Committee will advise and support the municipality with implementing the Town of Oliver Accessibility Plan and responding to suggestions received through the feedback mechanism. Additionally, the Committee will aide with meeting the Town’s obligations as an age friendly community recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO).
To assist municipal staff and municipal consultants with operational issues affecting the Oliver Airport and airport lands. To provide recommendations to Oliver Council regarding the development of the Oliver Airport and airport lands. To provide recommendations to Oliver Council on proposals that Council refers to the Airport Committee relating to the use, operation and development of the Oliver Airport and airport lands.
The Oliver and District Recreational Advisory Committee was formed to facilitate input to Town of Oliver Council from the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen Electoral Area “C”, the Osoyoos Indian Band and the public on Oliver Parks and Recreation initiatives, planning, and budgeting.
The Sister City Advisory Commitee was formed to facilitate public input to Council on Sister City initiatives to assist with growing the existing relationships with the Town of Oliver’s two Sister Cities: Lake Chelan, Washington, USA and Bandai, Japan.
Current Working Groups
The Town of Oliver is working with local doctors on a new physician recruitment and retention initiative. Local doctors asked to work with the Town to encourage medical students completing education placements in the local community to consider making Oliver their permanent place of medical practice when the students have completed their medical training.
The Oliver Supporting Local Physician Recruitment Working Group will bring together key community partners and community members to identify ways to support medical students during their educational placements in the community, and to seek ways to encourage students to start practicing medicine in Oliver on a permanent basis.
Inactive Committees
- Council Remuneration & Expenses Study - Independent Task Force - At the January 10, 2022 Regular meeting Council directed staff to advertise for five Oliver residents, that included rural Water System users, to sit on an Independent Task Force to undertake a review of Council’s remuneration package; and That Council directed staff to review Oliver Council Remuneration Bylaw No. 861, 1997 and bring a draft for consideration; and That Council directed staff to review the Travel and Expense Policy Bylaw 1304 and bring a draft for consideration.
- Community Safety and Crime Prevention Advisory Committee - The Community Safety and Crime Prevention Advisory Committee reviewed, reported and advised Council on matters pertaining to safety and crime prevention in the Town of Oliver. The Committee focused on exploring current and emerging issues in relation to public safety within the Town of Oliver and regional partners, addressing matters such as, but not limited to; Police Services, Bylaw Enforcement, Fire Rescue Services, Emergency Preparedness Management, Ambulance Service Levels, Correctional and Prison Services.
- Oliver Downtown Advisory Committee - The Town of Oliver was undertaking an exciting design process to create a new Public Plaza and Community Hub at the old RV campground between the River and Station Street.
- South Okanagan Aquatic Centre Advisory Committee - The South Okanagan Aquatic Centre Advisory Committee had been formed to complete a feasibility study on behalf of the Service Area Participants, Town of Oliver, Town of Osoyoos and the Osoyoos Indian Band. The mandate of the Committee was to act in an advisory and leadership role to favilitate the process to develop a South Okanagan Aquatic Centre feasibility study.
Frequently Asked Questions
Town Council establishes and appoints Advisory Committees to consider or make recommendations on matters referred by Council or set out in the committee’s terms of reference.
Committees provide valuable feedback, advice and guidance on important issues to be decided upon by Town Council. They consider key issues, report their findings and opinions, and make recommendations to Council.
The Committee does not participate in operational matters involving the Town of Oliver. Also, the Committee does not have the authority to take action or incur expenses without Council’s approval. Council provides approval by way of a resolution passed at a Council meeting.
As a volunteer Committee member, you will be responsible to meet with the group on a regular basis (typically monthly or quarterly) and participate in discussions involving matters that require community perspective and directive.
You will provide a “voice” for the general community by offering your opinion and directive in a recommendation to Town Council.
Committee members must commit to meeting on a regular basis as arranged in advanced by the group and Oliver’s Deputy Corporate Officer. The frequency depends on the group and topic, typically being monthly or quarterly.
First of all, thank you for considering this important role. This is an opportunity to make a positive impact within your community – and the Town greatly values the opinions gathered from each group. Please note this is a volunteer position and members must participate in regular meetings, whether they’re held in person or using video conferencing.
Each Committee has a limited number of member positions and members are appointed by Town Council.
If you’re interested in serving as a volunteer, applications can be downloaded below or picked up at Town Hall reception, 6150 Main Street.