Public Hearings

The Local Government Act requires that a Public Hearing be held before Council adopts an amendment to the Zoning Bylaw (referred to as a rezoning application) or Official Community Plan Bylaw. Public Hearings are chaired by the Mayor or Acting Mayor and held to provide the public with an opportunity to convey their views on proposed land use amendments.

Public Hearings are advertised in the local newspaper and online prior to the scheduled Public Hearing. In most instances, Public Notices are also mailed to owners and occupants of surrounding properties (within 100 meters of the land that is the subject of the application) and signs are posted on the subject property at least ten days prior to the scheduled Public Hearing.

The Town of Oliver conducts Public Hearings in person or with written submissions.

Public Hearings can be live streamed, please view them here. Click on the meeting you would like to view then click on ‘live stream’ once the meeting is started, or view the report in PDF or HTML. Alternatively the video is available to watch after the meeting.



Upcoming Public Hearings

No Scheduled Public Hearings

Go to the Current Planning page for the upcoming public hearing details.


Additional Information

The bylaw and supporting information will be available for public inspection up to and including the day of the Public Hearing online on the Current Planning Applications page.