Station Street Upgrade Project

Station Street Upgrade Project

The Town of Oliver has awarded the Station Street Upgrade project to H&M Excavating Ltd. Work on the project started September 13th and will continue until December 15th. A portion of Station Street will be closed off between Banks Avenue and Veterans Avenue, keeping access from those two roads to businesses and other properties accessible. There will also be some temporary disruptions on a portion of Fairview Road when the existing storm pipe is being upgraded. Thank you for your patience during the construction upgrade and improvements.

November 2021 Progress Update

October 2021 Progress Update

Bank Avenue to Veterans Avenue map

Station Street Reconstruction Drawings

Station Street Road Closure Information

Please call H & M Excavating at 250-493-4677 if you have any concerns with access to your property or the construction. 

Please contact the Town at 250-485-6250 if you have any questions or would like more information.