RFP Annual Financial Audit

Closing Date:

Awarded to BDO Canada

Request For Proposal - Town of Oliver Annual Financial Audit

RFP can be found on BC Bid.

The Town of Oliver invites qualified audit firms to submit proposals for auditing the financial statements of the Town of Oliver.

Audits must be planned and executed in accordance with Canadian Auditing Standards, and provisions of the Local Government Act and Community Charter. Audits will result in an opinion to the Town’s Council as to the fairness of the annual financial statements.

The Auditor should have experience and expertise in performing municipal audits, be free of any obligations or interests that may conflict or affect their ability to perform and act as the Auditor of the Town and have the capacity to provide this service in a timely manner.

All inquiries regarding this RFP should be directed to:
John Kurvink, Chief Financial Officer
Tel: 250-485-6201
Email: jkurvink@Oliver.ca